Resources: Christian Education & Discipleship

Resource Submission

If you would like to share a resource with the Commission for Education and Discipleship, please fill in this coversheet (PDF) and send it, with the resource, to Emily in the Diocesan Office (contact details are at the bottom of this page).

Recommended resource:

  • The Small Group and the Vine by Tony Payne and Marty Sweeney (Matthias Media). You can purchase this resource here.

Children’s Ministry Handbook. PDF or .docx

Assurance, 1 John. PDF

Church Matters part 1. PDF or .docx

Church Matters part 2. PDF or .docx

Kingdom Lifestyle, Matthew 4-5. PDF

In 2021, when Bishop Rod visited a parish, he often took along the devotional book “90 Days in Genesis, Exodus, Psalms and Galatians” by Lee Gatiss to share. This devotional takes a bible passage, a short excerpt from one of four reformers (Calvin, Luther, Bullinger and Cranmer), and asks some thought-provoking questions. Each devotion takes around 20min and encourages you to really think through the passage and how it applies to your life. If you are looking for a quality devotional, this is a great option.


Giving edifying feedback – handout from Lay Preaching Day 2024

Essentials: winter 2023 – preaching handout from Lay Preaching Day 2024


  • Lay Preachers and Trainers Zoom Get Together, 28 November 2022 – video available on request to
  • Top Tips in 10 – from the 2024 Armidale Preaching Conference, run by the Expository Preaching Trust and Anglican Diocese of Armidale. Speakers (in order) are David Burge, David Cook, Simon Manchester, Jim Mobbs and Janet Riley. The sermons preached as part of this conference can be found here.

In 2023, the Commission for Evangelism and Mission put together this booklet with practical tips and helpful resources to encourage and equip everyone to pray: Growing in Prayerfulness 

They also produced a video to promote the Armidale Diocesan Prayer Diary:

The Prayer Diary comes out every February and can be picked up in your local church. Spare copies are also available in the Diocesan Registry Office in Armidale. If you would like to have the Prayer Diary on your phone, you can find us in the PrayerMate app, listed in the churches section as: Armidale Anglican Diocese.

Prayer organisers. The files linked below are the weekly prayer organisers from the back of the most recent Prayer Diaries.

Organiser with square boxes  

Organiser with columns

Membership Team’s Handbook. PDF or .docx

Team Building Handbook. PDF